
what I'm hoping for / what I will manifest

So, I’m now at a point of transition, the gates have just been opened. I’ve learned the skills and now I can play. No one is watching!!!!

I’ll build, create, and explore. I won’t forget, and I’ll carry happiness like a backpack.
Sorrow generates compassion, grief is my fuel. I want to build big beautiful things that will make people happy, wonderful, and inspired.
Always wandering, determined, I’m not scared of hard work, and I won’t give up. I’m making my own reality. I won’t live out of fear.
I want to expand my family, and meet amazing people that influence me and my work.
I will have fun, every moment counts, love myself and in turn love others.
confidence - compassion - unity - love - respect - growth…
I’m so fortunate, and so excited for what’s to come.
be good to yourself, be good to others
with love,